Podcast Talent Coach

Podcast Growth Resources – PTC 373



On this episode, I have five podcast growth resources for you. These vary from hosting services to selling your services. Best of all, you can save money by using my affiliate link. A great way to grow is by connecting with other experts who are already have your ideal listener in their audience. If that expert has the attention of the client you are trying to attract, creating a partnership is a powerful way to grow. Surrounding yourself with other people on a journey similar to yours is a great way to learn and be find accountability. Once you have your ideal client in your audience, you need to create a sales process with the right tools. I want to help you with all of these steps today. Just a heads up … each of these links is an affiliate link. If you make a purchase through any of these links, I will earn a small commission. Rest assured that I only recommend tools that I use and trust. I wouldn't recommend these tools if I didn't believe in them. EAGLES The first is 48 Days Eagles with Dan Miller. It i