Podcast Talent Coach

TaVona Denise's Launch – Again – PTC 379



What happens when you launch your podcast and then realize you're on the wrong path? Sometimes you launch with an idea or topic only to discover your passion isn't what you thought it is. How can you salvage all of that work? On the episode today, we talk to TaVona Denise. She launched Breaking Protocol to help nurses and healthcare workers escape the industry and launch their own business. After some time, TaVona realized many of her clients were coming to her not to launch a business, but to launch a revenue stream within the business. When that happened, the podcast didn't fit. During our conversation, TaVona discovers how to shape her current podcast into a lead generator for her business. She also talks about potential clients fan-girling over her. That's fun. LAUNCH Before we jump into our conversation, I would love to help you launch your podcast in the next 30 days. This is a course I teach live. We walk step-by-step to get your show launched. You will get six weekly, live online classes with me to la