Podcast Talent Coach

Money Isn't The Only Answer – PTC 380



Publishing your podcast and running your business can get expensive if you let it. However, money isn't always the answer. There are a variety of ways to get what you need to publish and monetize. Money is just one way. Today, I want to help you get creative and discover a few other ways to get stuff done. ACCELERATOR Developing and following a strategy is difficult to accomplish alone. How long have you been trying to figure this out on your own? When you get a collective group together who are all trying to accomplish the same thing, the transformation is amazing. The things accomplished are phenomenal. One plus one ends up equalling three through the power of collaboration. That is why I started the Podcat Profit Accelerator. It is a group of podcasters coming together to help and support each other to achieve growth and monetization together. Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich", calls it the Mastermind Principle. Hill describes the Mastermind Principle as "The coordination of knowledge and effo