Podcast Talent Coach

3 Voice Tips – PTC 384



Your voice is your most valuable asset when it comes to your podcast. If you have no voice, you have no podcast. You also want people to like your voice. This episode is packed with tips to help you take care of your voice, like your voice more and improve the overall quality of your voice. COACHING Would you like help attracting your ideal coaching clients using your podcast? I'm looking to create a few success stories to use as case studies. So, I am offering a limited number of 60-minute Strategy Transformation calls for only $97. These are full-blown, 60-minute coaching calls to help you build your strategy. You can get your call at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/call. During this hour-long call, we will … Determine where you are today Define your goals Develop a step-by-step plan to get you there If you are ready to get clear on your strategy for transformation, grab your call and we'll chat. Sign up for your 60-minute Strategy Transformation call for only $97 at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/call. FUND