The Doctor's Farmacy With Mark Hyman, M.d.

Do We Really Want To Get Back To Normal? with John Grossenbacher



“I can’t breathe” has become a powerful phrase to symbolize the problem of systemic racism and unchecked prejudiced violence in our country. It’s also a powerful metaphor for the weight of how people feel when it comes to the social, economic, and healthcare inequalities that continue to thrive. And in the age of COVID-19, we keep hearing people say they can’t wait to get back to normal. But if this is what normal has looked like, do we really want it? It’s time for us to get more involved than ever before to create a new normal that includes social justice, civil rights, and compassion. On this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, I talked with John Grossenbacher about how to begin this reimagining of America and so much more. John is a Navy veteran, was the Captain of a nuclear attack submarine, and rose to be a Vice Admiral and Commander of the US Submarine Forces. Following the Navy, John became the Director of the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL). INL is a sprawling industrial-scale res