The Doctor's Farmacy With Mark Hyman, M.d.

Ask Mark Q&A #5: Celiac Disease, Mold Exposure, Gut Issues, And More



Ask Mark Q&A #5: Celiac Disease, Mold Exposure, Gut Issues, And More | This episode is brought to you by the Pegan Shake In this new Q&A series, Dr. Mark Hyman takes live questions from his community. For a chance to speak with Dr. Hyman during a future Ask Mark Q&A, text your question to 413-225-8995 using the hashtag #askmark Topics covered in this episode include: Celiac disease Transitioning to a gluten-free diet Addressing mold exposure Testing for and treating physical mold toxicity  Healing in community Shared medical appointments Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) This episode is brought to you by the Pegan Shake. The Pegan Shake features a combination of collagen, pumpkin, and pea protein with healthy fats from my two favorites: MCT oil which is great for fat burning and brain power as well as avocado oil. I’ve also included acacia fiber to help with gut motility and digestion. Check it out at Mentioned in this episode: Dr. Hyman’s 10-Day Reset Dr. Hyman’s