Truth Be Told

Dragons, Angels and Multi-Dimensional Living



Rachel Otto discusses her book 'From Bourbon Street To The Twelth Dimension: Finding Divine Love. Rachel Otto is a dreamer, an initiator, and a lover of life. She is a First Dan Rainbow Reiki Master, a licensed angelic healer, and is certified in other energy healing modalities. Rachel has conducted over eight thousand individual healing sessions, lectured across the nation, as well as led numerous group meditations and sound baths. She is the creator of Way Chill Life community, and author Her book From Bourbon Street To The Twelfth Dimension: Finding Divine Love (2024) is out on Balboa Press.  https://waychilllife.comHost Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest truth and live our brightest life. rachel otto, consciousness, beings of light, lightworker, spiritual path, angel healing, cosmic dragons, fifth dimension, spiritual podcast, bonnie burkert, yogibon, truth be told transformation, club