The Minds Of Madness - True Crime Stories

Episode 52 - Helle Crafts



On November 18th, 1986, thirty-nine-year-old Helle Crafts was dropped off at her house in Newton, Connecticut by her co-workers. She was exhausted after fulfilling her flight attendant duties on a long haul from Frankfurt to New York. Helle was happy to have made it home before the impending storm and looking forward to tucking in her three children.  As Helle’s co-workers watched their friend enter her home, they didn’t realize it would be the last time they would ever see her again. How to support: For extra perks including extra content, early release, and ad-free episodes - Go to - Patreon How to connect: Website Instagram Facebook Twitter Music Credits: The Minds Of Madness Theme Music – Duncan Foster The Funkoars – Feel The Madness Used with Permission - Research & Writing: Christine Penhale Featured Podcasts: Azkas Mystery Podcast