Pnr: This Old Marketing | Content Marketing With Joe Pulizzi And Robert Rose

Are Corporate Social Media Handles Dead? (424)



John Deere's search for a new social media creator leads to an important conversation - are corporate social media handles dead? Faced with possibly paying for the news, Google starts removing links to California news sites for some users. And the winner for the dumb move of the year goes to... The VC market for creator startups is up the the first time in multiple quarters, while a group of TikTok influencers send a nasty gram to Joe Biden. Hits and misses include Dove and AI and Caitlin Clark on SNL. Rants and raves include gaming Spotify and the Chief Marketing Officer tenure. Sign up to CEX and use code TOM100 to win a guest spot on This Old Marketing. This week's links: Google Won't Pay for News John Deere Hunts for Chief Tractor Officer Creator Startups and VCs TikTok Influencers Send Letter to Joe Biden Dove and AI SNL and Caitlin Clark CMO Tenures Spotify and SEO This week's sponsors: Get the 2024 State of Marketing Report from Hubspot --> ------ Get 20% OFF DivvyHQ and A