We Dig Music

We Dig Music - Series 1 Episode 8



3 music geeks from the West Midlands jabbering on about music...This time our alphabetical musical explorations stomp along defiantly to the letter H so we'll be discussing Connecticut's most positive hardcore stompers Hatebreed and Dorset's finest art rock legend PJ Harvey. As usual, we never stay on topic for long so along with this weeks bands, you can expect to hear us nattering about very rude gargoyles, motivational posters for angry office workers and the best thing to listen to when fighting a bear...Listen to the songs in full here - https://open.spotify.com/user/newpathstohelicon/playlist/5xYsH7KnsIZhheQb4PaeUNSay hello at https://www.facebook.com/wedigmusicpcast/or tweet us @wedigmusicpcastFind our other episodes and our friends podcasts at www.funnyinthemiddle.comAdditional material for this episode - Steve Albini lurking on internet poker forums - https://www.stereogum.com/5793/steve_albini_drops_anonymity_answers_questions_in/news/Steve Albini's essay about the music industry - http://www.negati