We Dig Music

We Dig Music - Series 1 Christmas Special (Part 2)



We Dig Music - 3 music geeks from the West Midlands jabbering on about music...Warning - extra sweary episode. Probably best not to listen to when you're with your Nan.This is Part 2. Listen to part 1 first, obviously...This time we take a break from our usual alphabetical musical meanderings because as the great prophet Noddy Holder once said, IT'S CHRIIIIIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAAAASSSS!!!!! So instead, in n extra special very long episode, we'll be counting down our top 24 favourite songs that we've discovered in 2017. Most were released this year, some we just heard for the first time this year. We'll also be talking about our favourite and least favourite Christmas songs, our favourite gigs of the year and what gigs we're looking forward to next year. As usual, we still don't stay on topic for long so this episode also features festive tales of being unexpectedly woken up by French people, Vengeful 12 year old girls vs HMV, a heated debate on what does or does not constitute a Christmas song and angry rants abo