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Jean Chatzky: The 50% Off Fallacy & Other Ways You're Sabotaging Your Savings [GREATEST HITS WEEK]



Today’s guest is Jean Chatzky, financial editor for the TODAY Show, host of the HerMoney podcast and a frequent guest on TV shows like Oprah, Regis & Kelly, and The View. We discuss six money rules to guide your spending, including: #1: The more time you spend looking, the less happy you’ll be with what you find. #2: Your retirement trumps their tuition. #3: Losing money hurts more than it should. #4: Big numbers make smart people do stupid things. #5: Don’t lend money to friends & relatives, and don’t co-sign for loans. #6: If it's 50% off, it’s still 50% on. This leads us into discussing tactics to prevent wasteful spending, such as: -- The 10/10/10 Rule: How will you feel about this purchase in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years? -- The 24 Hour Rule: Delay the purchase by 24 hours. Do you still want it? -- Only Pay Full Price: Paradoxically, avoiding sales – and ONLY buying items at full price – might help you save more money in the long run. Finally, we chat about how to balance financial priorities whe