Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Parenting After Miscarriage, Rare Defect Loss, 2 Deliveries & Being A Freelance Entrepreneur - Kiri Mohan - S6 E89



-First pregnancy in 2014, ended in miscarriage, no heartbeat at 9 weeks. -Second pregnancy in 2015, at 12 weeks was sent to a specialist - baby had a rare chromosomal defect called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (1:50,000 chance of happening) and we decided to terminate at 15 weeks. -Third pregnancy again in 2015, this time a healthy baby girl, now age 7. -Began trying again in luck for 2-3 years. -Fourth pregnancy finally in 2021, after secondary infertility, baby boy born healthy in 2022. -As a parent, I run my own coaching business, have the baby home with me two days a week, and try to manage it all - making a full time salary on part-time hours, being present for my kid or business, and it's a lot. -The large age difference between children does help at times! I'm a career/business coach. I coach women on taking their corporate experience and building a lifestyle/freelance business with their skills. FIND HER HERE: https://ww