Call Cleve Atlanta Radio Show

Demystifying Real Estate Taxes and Home Design Trends



Join Cleve Gaddis as he explores the ins and outs of real estate transfer taxes and discusses how dated features can impact your home's value. Get expert advice on navigating these aspects of real estate to ensure a smooth and profitable transaction. Segment Introduction: Welcome back to GoGaddis Real Estate Radio. Today, we're diving into two important topics: real estate transfer taxes and dated home features. Understanding these aspects is crucial for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. Real Estate Transfer Tax - What Is It?: Cleve breaks down the concept of real estate transfer taxes, explaining why they are collected, who is responsible for paying them, and how they differ from annual property taxes. Listener Question - Understanding Transfer Taxes: Cleve addresses a listener question from Harry in Lawrenceville, who seeks clarification on transfer taxes. Cleve provides a clear and concise explanation, ensuring listeners understand this often-overlooked aspect of real estate transaction