Wagner Live Midweek Update

S2 E110: The Reshaping of a City's Economic Future Amidst The New Normal



Orlando, Florida is not only where Wagner Live is located but it is also a growing market. It has been called one of North America's up-and-coming tech markets. In a recent study of the leading large, mid-size, and small metros throughout the country, Orlando ranked #9 out of 299 metros studied and #2 in the Southeast. The study evaluated such things as economic strength, prime workforces, year-over-year growth, and mid-term (5-Year) growth.In this episode, we discuss how a city that has been mostly associated with Walt Disney World, has been reshaping its identity and economic future. Despite previous plans for the city, what's changed as a result of the pandemic and its economic impact? To help with this discussion is Tim Giuliani, President & CEO at the Orlando Economic Partnership.Tim’s passion to provoke community impact started at an early age when he helped launch the “Truth Campaign” as a high school student - the most successful youth tobacco prevention effort in U.S. history. Tim is a Certified