Living Words

We Have Not Obeyed His Voice



We Have Not Obeyed His Voice Daniel 9:1-27 by William Klock Last week we looked at the resurrection story in John 20 as it continued into the evening that first Easter Sunday—as Jesus appeared to his disciples while they were hiding, as he breathed new life into them through the Holy Spirit, and as he commissioned them with those words, “Even as the Father sent me, I am sending you.”  With those actions, with those words, with that little group of disciples hiding in Jerusalem Jesus began the renewal of Israel.  That was the beginning of a new people called to be light in the darkness and sent out to boldly proclaim the good news and the coming of God’s kingdom.  At its core it was the same mission that the people of God had had since Abraham: to be light in the darkness, to make the one, true God known to the nations.  But now, recentred in Jesus, this people would go out—as I said—as prophets, priests, and kings.  As prophets, calling first Judah, then the nations to repentance.  As priests, mediating, pr