Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police Shootings Explained, Politicians Often Make It Worse. Special Episode.



Police Shootings Explained, Politicians Often Make It Worse. Special Episode.  With a focus on debunking misconceptions around terms like "excessive force" and "police brutality," Lance sheds light on the legal boundaries governing law enforcement actions. He also highlights how responses from departments and cities can escalate rather than resolve such incidents. Attorney Lance LoRusso, a former law enforcement officer turned practicing lawyer, specializing in critical incident response and civil litigation. With firsthand experience in law enforcement, Lance sheds light on the legal intricacies surrounding the use of force by police officers, often amidst heated public reactions. In his distinguished career, Lance has delved into the nuances of law enforcement officers' use of force, deciphering what the law dictates, and debunking misconceptions surrounding terms like "excessive force" and "police brutality." He brings to light how the reactions from departments and cities can exacerbate rather than mitiga