Duke Loves Rasslin

GCW Live Forever Preview & Herb Simmons Of SICW: Duke Loves Rasslin Week 446



Are you ready for Generation Championship Wrestling's Live Forever event happening Saturday, April 13th/ We'll have a special preview of all the matches with GCW's Macho Boy! Plus, we've got an exclusive interview with wrestling icon Herb Simmons! For over 50 years, Herb has been a promoter and historian, and he's sharing incredible stories and insights from his career. Hear about:- Being mentored by the legendary NWA Promoter Sam Mushnick- Doing business with the Hall Of Famer "Bruiser" Brody- Booking future WWE Superstar Randy Orton's first big match!- How Herb has kept Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling alive for over 40 years- Much More!** Visit RiveryCityWrestlingCon.com to get your tickets for this year's biggest #RCWC event ever!** --*Ready to shop better hydration? Use my special link DukeLovesRasslin to save 20% off anything you order over at LiquidIV.Com--*All views expressed on #DukeLovesRasslin are that of those expressing it. If you love it too bad. If you hate it