St Peters Orthodox Church

A Balanced Repentance in Lent



When we think of Lent and repentance, we tend to think mainly about overcoming our sins and coming out of the ways of our fallenness. While this must be, with the help of the grace of God, a necessary part of repentance; it is truly only one aspect of the repentance through which Christ brings healing to the soul. Repentance is two motions all at once. It is the movement away from our fallenness. But it is also a movement of turning to God seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness. It is both/and, truly a putting off and putting on all at the same time. The Church Fathers teach us that we become that which we do. Today we seek to bring balance to our repentance as we step out to do the good works in Christ that are met with His grace and lend themselves to the healing and transformation of our souls.