Father Simon Says

Relationship with the Holy Spirit – April 11, 2024



Bible Study: (1:50) The Gospel of John We should have a relationship with the Holy Spirit  What does it mean to be born of wind and water Letters (18:04) – Listener is worried about getting his car broken into (22:23) – What is the scriptural basis for the Epiclesis? (25:07) – I’m nervous about my friend’s marriage (31:29) – Anything in the Talmud about one who hangs from the tree is cursed  Word of the Day: Ration (36:53) Callers  (39:19) – Attending a Wedding Reception of a non-Catholic who may be divorced. Can I go? (44:22) – It’s good to have regrets in life  (45:31) – How do I explain Confession, Purgatory, and change to the Bible? Original Air Date: April 20, 2023