Madison Church

Cultivating Trustworthy Environments in Faith and Friendships



Ever wonder about the strength of the bonds we forge simply through trust? "Just trust me" – three small words that pack a massive punch in the realm of relationships and integrity. Stephen Feith takes us on a profound journey, examining the essence of trust and our worthiness of it, with insights from the Cambridge Dictionary and Dr. Henry Cloud. It's not enough to believe we are trustworthy; we must actively demonstrate it through understanding, good motives, abilities, character, and a commendable track record.Imagine sitting with a doctor who doesn't listen; frustration bubbles up as trust in their expertise wanes. My personal narrative serves as a springboard to discuss the importance of understanding in building trust, whether it's within marriages, friendships, or even small groups at church. Wisdom from Proverbs warns us against ignoring the pursuit of understanding – a vital piece of advice we should all heed. Through listening and empathizing, we can become trustworthy pilla