Call Cleve Atlanta Radio Show

Nesbit Lakes Spotlight: From Lights to Offers



Join Cleve Gaddis as he shines a spotlight on Nesbit Lakes and explores topics ranging from lighting myths to making strong offers in today's competitive market. Plus, learn about the upcoming solar eclipse passing over Atlanta. Segment Introduction: Welcome back to GoGaddis Real Estate Radio. Today, we're putting Nesbit Lakes in the spotlight and discussing everything from lighting habits to making strong offers in a competitive market. Let's dive in! Neighborhood Spotlight - Nesbit Lakes: Cleve highlights Nesbit Lakes, providing insights into the community, amenities, and real estate market trends in this sought-after neighborhood. Listener Question - Lights On or Off: Dave from Lawrenceville asks about modern light bulbs and whether they should be turned off when leaving a room. Cleve addresses common misconceptions and provides advice on energy-efficient lighting practices. Making a Strong Offer: With low inventory in the upcoming spring homebuying season, Cleve shares essential tips for making a stro