David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

"The Divine Script: Exploring Destiny Through Cinema" - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister



"The Divine Script: Exploring Destiny Through Cinema" - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David HoffmeisterToday's movie journey delves deeply into the metaphysical realm, intertwining comedy with the profound exploration of destiny. As we embark on this cinematic voyage, we're invited to ponder the intricate tapestry of existence, where destiny guides our ultimate purpose: knowing God and recognizing our divine identity.In David's narrative, destiny transcends the limitations of time and space, echoing teachings found in spiritual texts such as Workbook Lesson 158. The Holy Spirit leads us on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the mysteries of destiny. Drawing parallels to cinematic works like "Family Man," the film explores the notion of parallel universes and the multiverse, where Jesus orchestrates an array of potential lifetime scenarios.These scenarios, unfolding simultaneously, challenge conventional perceptions of time and offer a glimpse into the boundless nature of existence. Through the ci