Ms Trust

How periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the menopause can affect multiple sclerosis in women



Have you ever wondered how your hormones might affect your MS? We're joined by podcast guests Olivia Mason, a woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis not long after giving birth, and Professor Ruth Dobson, a consultant neurologist specialising in MS.Together, we explore how periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause can influence MS. Here's what we cover•      Can periods make MS symptoms worse?•      Is pregnancy protective for women with MS?•      Can you use disease modifying drugs (DMDs) whilst pregnant?•      Can women with MS safely breastfeed?•      How does menopause affect MS symptoms?•      Plus, Olivia shares her personal experience and insights on navigating an MS diagnosis as a new mother. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to understand more about how periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the menopause can affect multiple sclerosis.Listen now for all of the latest information, tips and more!Episode notes- MS Trust  A-Z on MS and Hormones: