Talk, Tales And Trivia

After The Eclipse - Dystopian Stories Series



After The Eclipse -  I suspected what was coming after a nightmare I had. We all knew it was coming. We heard about it for months on the news. There was to be a solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. That we were sure of.  So, your humble truth detective will delve into how prepared I was for both natural and manmade disasters. With my new prepper friends, I discovered I had a lot to learn.  I was on the case... finding evidence-based truth about survival in an uncertain world where we were told we were on our own and nobody was going to save us.  With a little know-how, we can all be enlightened using the knowledge that I gained through just a minimal amount of research.  And, we all likely have the start of survival/emergency supplies around our homes and don't even realize it. Spend a small amount of time and get ready for whatever fear-mongering debacle is in our future. The prepared website:  Glenn Beck - Prepping 101:  The Mac's - preppe