Roy Green Show

Apr 6: Jon Reid, Toronto Police Association, response to critical letter from City Councilors



We speak with Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid about the letter sent by six members of Toronto City Council, two on the police board, challenging police action at pro-Palestinian protests and demonstrations, particularly on March 30 when several people were arrested after clashing with police. The councillors letter includes "it is deeply concerning to hear residents voicing fears about their freedom to engage in protests, demonstrations and large gatherings." Toronto Chief of Police Myhron Demkiw's statement in reply included "The service will always respect the right to lawful assembly, which we have done, consistently since October 7"......"When individual behaviour crosses into criminality, endangering officers or the public we will enforce the law, as is our duty....."last weekend alone, police officers were assaulted, spit on, a police horse was struck, lawful orders not followed and demonstrators attempted to obstruct officers who were effecting arrests." The Toronto Police Association in