Roy Green Show

Apr 6: Abmassador Olexander Scherba, Ukraine military supplies running low.



While the world's current focus is on the Israel/Hamas war, Ukraine's war with Russia has entered its third year and news from Ukraine is that the country's military is running seriously low on war fighting equipment and munitions as the U.S. primarily is holding up a major arms shipment due to Republican/Democrat political infighting. NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has floated a plan for a 100-billion Euro, 5-year weapons support plan for Ukraine prior to the U.S. national election in November. NATO is calling on all its members to live up to their 2% of GDP military spending commitment that Canada has already said we will not reach.  While Ukrainian drones are now striking deep inside Russia, on the battlefields its military is facing operating with war equipment and mismatched ammunition. Meanwhile, French president Macron has not ruled out sending French ground troops into Ukraine to engage Russia there. Guest: Ambassador Olexander Scherba, from Kyiv. Ambassador Sherba was Ukraine's chief diplom