Roy Green Show

The Roy Green Show Podcast, Apr6: Israel Ambassador to Canada. Allies turning on Israel? - Homeless. Glen on living in his car trying to restart his life. - Fmr CPC MP Kenny Chiu. China election interference.



Today’s podcast:   Israel Defence Forces drone attack on World Central Kitchen aid convoy to Gaza resulted in deaths of seven WCK volunteers, including Canadian CAF veteran Jacob Flickinger. PM Trudeau publicly challenged Israeli PM Netanyahu and U.S. president Biden declared continued American support for Israel's war to eliminate Hamas is contingent on Israel taking real steps to protect aid workers. Israel has dismissed an IDF Colonel and Major engaged in the drone attack. Guest: Iddo Moed. Israel Ambassador to Canada.   Last June, just weeks after economic circumstance forced a Kelowna, B.C. former small business owner to live in his car, this 60+ guest shared with us how difficult the transition to this kind of life was. We became curious, in the wake of Justin Trudeau's repeat housing funding announcements how our guest's reality had continued. Did he spend the winter living in his car? What are his prospects moving forward? Guest: Glen Peters, formerly identified as "Peter." That's what we called hi