Coaches Rising

24 - Patricia Albere: Evolutionary Relationships



We live in a time where the term “Connection” is a buzzword; but what is it exactly that we’re looking for and how do we attain it? And what, if anything, does this quest have to do with the evolution of our species? In this conversation with spiritual teacher Patricia Albere, we explore a new type of relationship that is becoming possible, what it is to experience an “interpenetrating” state of being, and the crucial distinctions that allow us to practice connection in this profound way. Patricia Albere is a contemporary spiritual teacher who is pioneering a form of spiritual awakening that goes beyond the individual into a new space of mutual awakening. She is the author of Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening, and the founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective. A master transformative teacher, Patricia has worked with more than 200,000 people in groups over the last 40 years. A list of resources mentioned in the podcast can be found here: https://www.coachesrising.c