Coaches Rising

27 - Amanda Blake: The Neuroscience of Change



What do our bodies have to do with living a self-directed life? What say do they have in our actions and behaviors, aside from providing a more or less sports-inclined physique? In this conversation with leadership coach Amanda Blake, we learn how the body defines our scope of possibility, how we can use it to create massive shifts, and why being in direct contact with life through the body is so important. Amanda Blake is a Leadership Coach, creator of the popular Body = BrainⓇ course on the neurobiology of experiential learning and author of the forthcoming book, Your Body Is Your Brain. In addition to teaching about the art and science of embodiment, she works with leaders worldwide to help them become their best self, enjoy life more, and make a bigger contribution. She is a Master Somatic Leadership Coach and holds a degree in Human Biology from Stanford University. A list of resources mentioned in the podcast can be found here: