Coaches Rising

177 - Chris L. Johnson: The Leadership Pause



In this conversation with master somatic leadership coach Chris L. Johnson we explore the practice of presence in the context of leadership, the somatic aspect of presence, working with high stress clients, relating to triggers, stressors and energy leaks, cultivating change through resonance and core presence. Chris L. Johnson is a master somatic leadership coach, trauma psychologist, and mindfulness instructor who has worked extensively for over 20 years with individual leaders and leadership teams in organizations as diverse as health care, manufacturing, finance, local municipalities, and education to effectively grapple with system-wide change. Chris holds a doctorate in psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago where she teaches in the Executive and Professional Development Program and is certified as a Master Somatic Leadership Coach by the Strozzi Institute where she teaches leadership development. She is the author of The Leadership Pause. Visit to see