Front Row

Peter Cook, Hitchcock/Truffaut, Tabletop Shakespeare, Tim Sayer



Professor Sir Peter Cook received a knighthood for services to architecture and was awarded the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architecture, yet he has never designed a building in Britain - until now. He shows us around the drawing studio he's created for the Arts University Bournemouth.In 1962, Francois Truffaut persuaded fellow film director Alfred Hitchcock to sit with him for a week-long interview in which they discussed the secrets of cinema. Hannah McGill reviews a new documentary about this meeting, which resulted in Truffaut's seminal book "Hitchcock/Truffaut".The Barbican is staging Shakespeare as we've never seen it before; each of his 36 plays have been condensed and are presented on a table top using a cast of everyday objects. Macbeth is a cheese grater, Pericles a light bulb and Hamlet's a bottle of ink. Tim Etchells from Forced Entertainment explains why.The Hepworth Wakefield gallery has announced details of one of the UK's largest bequests. It's one of the most signific