Front Row

PJ Harvey's new album, Arnold Wesker, 2016 Proms, Wellcome exhibition



PJ Harvey releases her first album for five years this week, and it's already attracting controversy with its lyrics about a run-down area of Washington DC. Writer and critic Kate Mossman reviews the album The Hope Six Demolition Project, which she and John Wilson saw being recorded in a glass box in Somerset House last year.David Edgar pays tribute to his friend and fellow playwright Sir Arnold Wesker. David Pickard announces the programme for the 2016 BBC Proms in his first year as its Director.This is a Voice is a new exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London which has brought together a number of works by artists who have been inspired by the voice. It examines how tone, pitch and tempo can communicate meaning and emotion so effectively that words become unnecessary. Joan La Barbara, a composer known for her explorations of "extended" vocal techniques, and Imogen Stidworthy, whose video work explores how our voice affects our sense of self, respond to the exhibition and discuss why the voice is such