This Endolife

Stuck With Endo? Here’s Your Roadmap



So today, as you’ll be able to hear in this intro, I am pretty damn sick, so I cannot record a full episode for you. Instead, I am sharing my recent free masterclass, Creating a Roadmap for Endo Healing. For this masterclass, you’re going to need to get comfy and grab a note book and a pen because we’re literally going to be designing your endo management plan. This masterclass is much better when you’re joining live as you get the interactive component and the slides, etc. but you can still work your way through it just from listening - so, let’s get started! Need more help or want to learn how to work with me? My new and improved digital course Live and Thrive with Endo 2.0 is open for enrolment! I’ve spent the last two years refining and honing it, to bring you an updated version with new info and strategies - and a specific focus on preventing overwhelm!  This course offers you a customisable roadmap and it identifies the most important changes to begin with first, fast tracking you out of overwhelm and