Connection Church Nyc Sermons

I Believe #11 - Repent and Believe | The Apostles' Creed



Pastor Daniel delves into the spiritual warfare surrounding believers, emphasizing the need for vigilance and reliance on prayer and the Word of God. He recounts a recent experience underscoring the reality of this spiritual battle, highlighting the importance of staying alert and walking with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Key takeaways include the recognition that the enemy has no power over Jesus and that responding in fleshly ways leads to detrimental outcomes. Quoting passages like 2 Timothy 1:7-8 and 1 Peter 5:8-11, the message emphasizes the necessity of resisting the devil, standing firm in faith, and relying on the Holy Spirit for victory.Moreover, the concept of salvation as a multifaceted journey encompassing past forgiveness through Christ, present sanctification, and future redemption. Through passages like Philippians 2:12-13 and Romans 5:9-10, it stresses the ongoing process of being saved and the ultimate hope of salvation's fulfillment in the return of Jesus. The call to repentan