Reckoning Press Occasional Podcast

Podcast Episode 30: Riverine



Subscribe via RSS, Google Podcasts, Android, Stitcher, iHeartRadio or Amazon. Welcome back to the Reckoning Press Podcast! Hey folks, it's me, Michael J. DeLuca, publisher, here with the exciting news that not only do we have a new episode for you, featuring Casey June Wolf reading Danielle Jorgensen Murray's beautiful, Angela Carter-inflected story "Riverine" from Reckoning 5, but we've got a new audio editor and future host, Aaron Kling, whose work you will be hearing here, and which also means hopefully we will have more new episodes coming soon! So I've got three bios to read you. First, just let me remind you that Reckoning is always open to submissions, and we're currently reading for Reckoning 9, which is a general, unthemed issue—if it's creative writing on environmental justice, we want to read it. ¡Y gracias a nuevo miembro de nuestro departamento editorial Guillermo Mendoza, ahorita tenemos directrices para envíos en español! Thank you very much for listening, and I hope you enjoy! "Riverine"