John Hebenton's Podcast

I Trust God for That



                                                                      Gate Pa – Year B  Easter Sunday 2024Readings:First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9     Second Reading: Acts 10:34-43Gospel:John 20:1-18What I want to say:Our friend died this week. The resurrection affirms that she is with God now. Swallowed in God’s life. I don’t know what that means or what it looks life. That is ok. I trust God for all that.This story is bigger than Liz, or me, getting into heaven, if that is what being swallowed by God’s life is. Jesus death is more than Jesus dying on a cross for me and my sins. It is God dying on a cross, showing us where all our greed, selfishness, lust for power. The powers of death thought they had won, but God would not be held in death. When all seemed lost God’s life prevailed. When all seems lost, God’s love and life will prevail. I trust God for that.Mary watched her friend die, a humiliating horrific degrading death. She watched her hopes for herself and Israel die. She was swallowed in grief, outrage