Understanding Christianity

1689 Confession Christ the Mediator Part TWO



Dr. Sean Cole continues Chapter 8 of the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession on Christ the Mediator. He focuses on the WORK of Christ by addressing SIX truths including Limited Atonement: (1) As fully God and fully man, he was thoroughly qualified to be our one Mediator. (2) He perfectly fulfilled the demands of the Law and lived the life we could never live. (Active Obedience of Christ) (3) He exhaustively endured God’s righteous judgment on the cross, bearing our sins. (4) He victoriously rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and is now seated at God’s right hand, interceding for us as our King. (5) He will literally return to earth in power and glory. (6) Jesus actually, not potentially, paid for our sins on the cross, securing our eternal redemption, not just making us savable--DEFINITE ATONEMENT or particular redemption. www.seancole.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sean.cole.16144/videos/1184496299378053