Prepping Academy

Food Preps 2.0 - with author Shelby Gallagher of Prepping 2.0 Podcast



In this episode of the Prepping Academy podcast, host Forrest Garvin interviews Shelby Gallagher, a renowned podcaster, author, and partner with Glen Tate on the Prepping 2.0 podcast. Gallagher and Tate have recently co-authored a comprehensive guide titled "Food Preps 2.0," which serves as the ultimate resource for all things related to food, food preparedness, and storage for SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan) scenarios.Gallagher delves into the wealth of valuable information in their new book during the interview. They discuss various aspects of food preparation, storage techniques, and essential strategies for surviving tough times. From practical tips to in-depth insights, Gallagher emphasizes the importance of proper planning and preparation in ensuring readiness for unforeseen circumstances.Listeners are encouraged to purchase "Food Preps 2.0," as it promises to be an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to enhance their preparedness and resilience in the face of adversity. With expert guida