Cozen Oconnor Public Strategies - The Beltway Briefing

Episode 230 : Outside-the-Beltway Edition: Mayor Adams’ First 100 Days



Eric Adams - a former New York City police captain, state lawmaker, and Brooklyn Borough President -distinguished himself in the Democratic primary running on public safety, economic inequality, and making the city feel orderly, functional and fun again. In his first 100 days in office, Adams projected an aggressive confidence as he announced policies aimed at combating an image of NYC as hobbled by the pandemic and beset by rising crime. He dropped many COVID-19 precautions, even as virus cases have risen, and he ordered homeless encampments removed from public spaces and the subways, despite complaints from activists. Then Mr. Adams was thrown a curveball: he marked his 100th day as mayor by going into quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 and, in a stunning turn of events, all of the above issues converged the next day in a Brooklyn subway station when a deranged gunman opened fire and injured 26 people. Cozen O'Connor-New York Public Strategies’ Ken Fisher, Katie Schwab, Stuart Shorenstein, Ros