Daily Dr. Erin - Spiritual, Inspirational, And Motivational Meditations

Spiritual Psychology Coaching | How to heal from your partner cheating on you



In this week's episode, we have an anonymous caller who found her husband cheating on her five years ago and still hasn't been able to forgive him. She doesn't know how to stop their vicious cycle of arguments, upsets, and fights.  How to go from being a victim of her husbands choices to an empowered Goddess  How to break the codependency cyle How to reacting and start creating yourself to be the women you desire to be In this episode, we breakdown the difference between trying to manage a dysfunctional relationshiop vs. surrendering to a higher way.  We go through a divinely guided coaching session, assisting her to claiming her birthright of peace and liberation.     What you will learn in this episode: How to distinquish between traumas within your relationships vs. past traumas How to spot your limiting beliefs that are patterning into your relationship How to take responsibility for your emotional well-being      In this week’s podcast, we are diving into Sex, Love, & Recovery! In this epis