Daily Dr. Erin - Spiritual, Inspirational, And Motivational Meditations

Awakening Meditation Series | Serendipity: 7 Signs From The Universe [1 of 40]



Awakening Meditation Series | Serendipity: 7 Signs From The Universe [1 of 40] www.drerin.tv 7 Signs From The Universe 1. Synchronicities & Coincidences: Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences or patterns that seem too precise to be random. For example, repeatedly encountering the same number, seeing a specific animal, or hearing a particular song at significant moments in your life. 2. Repeating Numbers: Many people believe that repeating numbers, such as 111, 333, or 777, are messages from the universe. They may interpret these numbers as a sign to pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, or actions. 3. Dreams and Visions: Some individuals receive messages or guidance through dreams or visions. These dreams may provide insights, solutions to problems, or guidance about a particular situation. 4. Intuitive Feelings: Strong gut feelings or intuitive hunches can be seen as signs from the universe. These feelings may guide you toward a specific decision or action. Trusting your intuition and paying