Canary Cry News Talk

TECHNOLOGY OF THE FALLEN with Hope and Tivon | CCR 176



Seed War, Transhumanism, WBAN, AI, C40 Killbox Cities   We’re all living through the rapid ascension towards a technological singularity. Our thesis around here for over a decade in the Canarium, has been that such developments are biblical in the eschatological sense. This increase in knowledge (Daniel 12:4) that gave access to a medium that helps us accomplish anything we can imagine (Genesis 11:6), is a spiritual phenomenon with the only historical comparisons being ancient mythologies filled with powerful entities from other realms, enhanced god-kings, strange creatures, and supernatural artifacts. What the Bible tells us as part of the undergirding narrative that begins in Genesis and is resolved in Revelation, is that a corruption to His design in everything from within creation, including, and perhaps most importantly, the flesh, are what ultimately initiates kinetic judgment.    Our guests today are Hope and Tivon. Hope is the Co-Founder and Lead Project Manager of “Fix the World Project.” Sh