Critical Conversations

#057: Social Media's Impact on Your Health: Unpacking the Pitfalls of Popular Fads & Trends Including Oatzempic, Bone Broth, and Nature's Ozempic



Are you tired of scrolling through your feed only to be bombarded with the latest health fads and trends? It's hard to know what's actually beneficial for our health amidst the noise of social media. Join us as we delve into the truth behind the hype in our new podcast. Key Takeaways: Unmasking the Algorithm: Discover how social media algorithms can distort our perception of health trends, leading to unrealistic expectations and potentially harmful habits. Personalized Health: Understand why what works for one person might not work for another, and learn how to identify what truly benefits you on many of the popular trends. The Pitfalls of One-Size-Fits-All: Explore the misleading promises of popular health trends like morning matcha rituals, the latest "Oatzempic" breakfast craze, and more. Reality Check: We'll debunk the myths surrounding trendy products like bone broth and greens powders, revealing their true impact on our health that you really need to know.  The Supplement Saga: Take a critical