Real Crime Profile

#499: He Mattered: The Case of Josiah Hilderbrand



We conclude our interview with Liz Hilderbrand. She explains trying to come to terms not only with her son Josiah’s murder but with the actions of the justice system to erase her son’s existence from a multiple homicide. Liz recalls going to the sentencing of James and Donovan Cloud, seeing the faces of the men who took Josiah’s life, and the cavalier almost jocular attitude of the courtroom. As Laura says, Josiah’s case was used as a bargaining chip for prosecutors to secure a plea deal for one of the offenders. Liz also describes her shocking treatment post sentencing by the district attorney’s office and their public complaint department representative who told her “she was not a victim”. Liz was denied the right to read her victim impact statement to the judge, but we are giving her the chance to read it today. Liz continues to fight to bring Josiah’s case to trial. We can help her open this door, please read her blog and make your voice known to the people who need to hear it. #HisNameWasJosiah