Roy Green Show

The Roy Green Show Podcast, Mar31: AB premier Danielle Smith Carbon tax immoral. - Prof Eric Kam Cda in econ emergency says BOC Deputy Gov. - ResearchCo CEO Mario Canseco Liberal/NDP merger? - Cdns for Affordable Energy Dan McTeague carbon tax rise.



Today’s podcast:   Three premiers appeared before the federal government operations and estimates committee this past week to make the case for delay of tomorrow's federal carbon tax increase (or abandoning the carbon tax entirely). Yesterday we spoke with Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe (one of the three premiers). Today Alberta premier Danielle Smith who also appeared before the parl committee and made the case the carbon tax increase is not just "reckless, but also immoral." Meanwhile Alberta's fuel rebate ends tomorrow as well, adding 4 cents per litre charge for gasoline and diesel. Guest: Danielle Smith. Premier, Alberta   The senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada Carolyn Rogers last Tuesday in a Halifax speech made the case falling productivity rates in Canada create an "emergency," adding "you've seen those signs that say "in case of emergency, break glass. Well, it's time to break the glass." Meanwhile, according to the OECD Canada will for the next 36 years (2060) will be the laggard and pos