Stevie Says Social Podcast

How to Beat the Instagram Follow Unfollow



Are you a victim of the Instagram follow unfollow garbage that's going on at the moment?If you’re active on Insta, I’m gonna guess you are.Here’s how it usually goes:You put up a new post after dinner one night, and you’re pretty damn proud of it.You add some hashtags so that it gets seen by more people (and because some social media person told you that's what you’re supposed to do).The likes and engagements start rolling’ ‘awn in [*but not as much as they USED to, because - algorithm - but anyway],* and you even gain a few new followers - yasssss!!!!!All in all, you’re chuffed.You pat yourself on the back, wash your face and jump into bed feeling like a #SocialMediaQueen (or King!).[8 hours pass].When your alarm goes off the next morning, you rub the sleep out of your eye, reach for your phone and click open the Insta app to check the post.AND…. [insert dramatic, foreboding music]...YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT.You’ve gained SIX NEW FOLLOWERS BUT YOUR OVERALL INSTAGRAM FOLLOWER COUNT HAS DROPPED BY 7