Stevie Says Social Podcast

Simple, Sexy Social Media Analytics | Five Steps to Track and Measure Your Social Media Success



Allergic to social media analytics?I feel you - numbers are NOT my jam either.I hate ‘em.BUT, here’s the thing.When it comes to success on social media, they are critical.Why? Because if you don’t know where you’re going, how on earth are you ever going to get there?In this episode, I am going to show you how to track your social media analytics the SMART way, and to enjoy the process too.Now, to make life incredibly easy for you, I have also just launched a new product in the Social Shop that will help you as you go through this training.I have put together some seriously good looking social media analytics tracking spreadsheets for simply and easily recording your analytics.Not only that, when you update these spreadsheets they AUTOMATICALLY create beautiful visual graphs to track your progress.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?