Stevie Says Social Podcast

How to Personalise Your Offline Marketing with Jo Eleanor, Calligraphy En Vogue



Jo Eleanor is the creative behind Calligraphy En Vogue, a modern calligraphy service specialising in brand experiences and personalised business stationery who has worked with a number of big brands including Givenchy and Chanel.In this episode, we discuss ways that she and other small businesses can amplify their business by stepping away from digital marketing and personalising their marketing efforts offline.We chat about:Jo's business, her clients and what modern calligraphy is;Jo’s work with fashion brands and their emphasis on personalisation and brand experiences as a way of differentiating their brand in a competitive premium fashion marketplace;Examples of brand activations she has done for big brands like Givenchy and what small businesses can learn and adopt in their own business;How personalising gifts for influencers can encourage user generated content for brands;Examples of personalised offline marketing;How Jo used a combination of content marketing, branding and unique PR initiatives to