Stevie Says Social Podcast

Why We’re Rebranding — and Five Signs It Might Be Time for You to Consider a Business Rebrand, Too



What do you do when you start to feel that your brand no longer reflects the evolution and growth of your business?When you start to feel, dare I say it, self-conscious when you’re asked about your business at a party, sure that the name “Stevie Says Social” will diminish your authority or how seriously you’re taken at networking events?When friends and family still ask you to try and help them get into their Instagram account, because your name still has “social” in it despite NOT teaching social media at all — “Don’t you have a little social media business — I only have 50 followers too, and I’m hoping you can help?!” they say, innocently.And when that nagging feeling, deep down, suggests a growing disconnect between the time, effort and importance you place on your business, and the way it is viewed in the eyes of those hearing “Stevie Says Social” for the first time.You re-brand, that’s what — and this year, that’s exactly what I’m doing.Right now? My brand kind of feels like I’m still getting around in t